Listagem de Publicações 2009-2023

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"Os que se encantam com a prática sem a ciência são como os timoneiros que entram no navio sem timão nem bússola, nunca tendo certeza do seu destino"

Leonardo da Vinci

Os Institutos Nacionais de Ciência e Tecnologia (INCT) foram uma iniciativa do Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia e executados pelo Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, a partir do desenvolvimento dos Institutos Milênio que foram lançados em 2005 pelo CNPq. Essas iniciativas geraram financiamento para o incentivo a pesquisas importantes para o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico.

Os resultados foram fantásticos e fizeram florescer conhecimento e excelência científica em todo país. Muitos desses projetos ganharam destaque internacional e impulsionaram o ambiente acadêmico brasileiro para gerar pesquisa e tecnologia de ponta.

O INCT-TMCOcean, tratou de uma das mais importantes questões da humanidade e da sua relação com o meio ambiente, a interface continente-oceano. E, como se espera de uma vanguarda cientifica organizada em rede, seus pesquisadores se destacaram através de inúmeras publicações que não apenas foram saudadas pela comunidade mundial científica e acadêmica, como buscam “popularizar” o conhecimento através de realização de exposições, documentários e publicações.

Nesta página, você encontra a disposição nossas publicações! Embarque conosco!



1. Silva-Filho, E.V.; Barcellos, R.G.S; Emblanch, C.; Blavoux, B.; Sella, S.M.; Daniel, M.; Simler, R. & Wasserman, J.C. 2009. Groundwater chemical characterization of a Rio de Janeiro coastal aquifer, SE – Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 27: 100-108.ACESSE

2. Rodrigues, R.P.; Knoppers, B.A.; Souza, W.F.L. & Santos, E.S. 2009. Suspended Matter and Nutrient Gradients of a Small-Scale River Plume in Sepetiba Bay, SE-Brazil. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 52(2): 503-512ACESSE

3. SSabadini-Santos, E.; Knoppers, B.A.; Oliveira, E.P.; Leipe, T. & Santelli, R.E. 2009. Regional geochemical baselines for sedimentary metals of the tropical São Francisco estuary, NE-Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58: 601-606.ACESSE

4. Baldotto, M.A.; Canellas, L.P.; Velloso, A.C.; Rosa, R.C.C.; Maciel, M.S.; Rezende, C.E. & Canela, M.C. 2009. Propriedades redox da matéria orgânica isolada de material ultrafiltrado das águas do Rio Paraíba do Sul. Química Nova, 32: 891-896.ACESSE

5.Lacerda, L.D. 2009. Produção científica da pós-graduação brasileira em Oceanografia. Revista Brasileira de Pós-Graduação, 5(10): 271-302.ACESSE

6.Oliveira, J.; Braga, E.S.; Jesus, S.C.; Abrahão, F.F; Santos, G.F. & Chiozzini, V. 2009. Assessment of natural radium isotopes and 222Rn in water samples from Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine Complex, São Paulo. In: Proc. International Nuclear Atlantic Conference - INAC 2009; Rio de Janeiro. Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear (ABEN), 10 pp.ACESSE

7. Lacerda, L.D.; Santos, J. A. & Lopes, D.V. 2009. Fate of copper in intensive shrimp farms: bioaccumulation and deposition in pond sediments. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 69 (3), pp. 851-858.ACESSE

8.Loureiro, D.D.; Fernandez, M.A.; Herms, F.W. & Lacerda, L.D. (2009) Heavy metal inputs evolution to an urban hypertrophic coastal lagoon, Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 159:577–588.ACESSE

9.Nicolite, M.; Truccolo, E.C.; Schettini, C.A.F. & Carvalho, C.E.V. 2009. Oscilação do nível de água e a co-oscilação da maré astronômica no baixo estuário do Rio Paraíba do Sul, RJ. Revista Brasileira de Geofísica 27(2): 225-239 ACESSE

10.Dias, FJS., Marins, RV. & Maia, LP. 2009. Hydrology of a well-mixed estuary at the semi-arid Northeastern Brazilian coast. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 21, no. 4, p. 377-385.ACESSE


1. Paula, F.C.F.; Lacerda, L.D.; Marins, R.V.; Aguiar, J.E.; Ovalle, A.R.C. & Falcão Filho, C.A.T. 2010. Emissões naturais e antrópicas de metais e nutrientes para a bacia inferior do Rio de Contas, Bahia. Química Nova 33(1): 70-75.ACESSE

2. Bernini, E. & Rezende, C.E. 2010. Variação estrutural em florestas de mangue do estuário do rio Itabapoana, ES-RJ. Biotemas, 23 (1), 49-60. ACESSE

3. Araújo, B.F.; Almeida, M.G.; Salomão, M.S.M.B.; Gobo, R.R.; Siqueira, V.C.; Ovalle, A.R.C. & Rezende, C.E. 2010. Distribuição de Hg total e suas associações com diferentes suportes geoquímicos em sedimentos marinhos da margem continental brasileira: Bacia de Campos – Rio de Janeiro. Química Nova 33: 501-507.ACESSE

4. Lacerda, L.D. & Marins, R.V. 2010. Produção científica da área de química no desenvolvimento da oceanografia no Brasil. Química Nova 33(4): 1005-1013ACESSE

5.Souza, T.A.; Godoy, J.M.; Godoy, M.L.D.P.; Moreira, I.; Carvalho, Z.L.; Salomão, M.S.M.B. & Rezende, C.E. 2010. Use of multitracers for the study of water mixing in the Paraíba do Sul River estuary. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 101: 564–570. ACESSE

6.Vitória, A.P.; Lage-Pinto, F.; Campaneli, L.B; Almeida, M.G.;Souza, C.M.M.; Rezende, C.E.; Azevedo, R.A. & Oliveira, J.G. 2010. Ecophysiological adaptation and metal accumulation in water hyacinth from two tropical rivers. Brazilian Journal of Plant Physiology 22(1): 49-59ACESSE

7. Lacerda, L.D. 2010. Amazônia Azul/The Blue Amazon. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 21, (8): 1399-1400ACESSE

8. Oliveira, E.N. & Braga, E.S. 2010. Environmental changes and the influence on the artisanal fishery activities in the Cananeia-Iguage estuarine lagoon complex – SP, Brazil. In: Brito, C.R. & Ciampi, M.M. (eds.), Converging Towards Sustainability, SHEWC’20101 – X Safety, Health and Environment World Congress, São Paulo, p: 88-92.ACESSE

9.Kuniyoshi, L.S. & Braga, E.S. 2010. Cytogenetic disruption in fishes as bioindicator of the environmental quality in two estuarine systems under different exposition to anthropogenic influences. In: Brito, C.R. & Ciampi, M.M. (eds.), Converging Towards Sustainability, SHEWC’20101 – X Safety, Health and Environment World Congress, São Paulo, p: 93-96. ACESSE

10. Maluf, J.C.C. & Braga, E.S. 2010. Dissolved zinc, cadmium and lead in two portions of the Cananéia-Iguape estuarine-lagoon complex and its potential exportation to the adjacent systems. In: Brito, C.R. & Ciampi, M.M. (eds.), Converging Towards Sustainability, SHEWC’20101 – X Safety, Health and Environment World Congress, São Paulo, p: 97-100.ACESSE

11.Cavalvante, R.M.; Andrade, M V.F.; Marins, R.V. & Oliveira, L.D.M. 2010. Development of a headspace-gas chromatography (HS-GC-PID-FID) method for the determination of VOCs in environmental aqueous matrices: optimization, verification and elimination of matrix effect and VOC distribution on the Fortaleza Coast, Brazil. Microchemical Journal 96: 337–343 ACESSE

12.Miguens, F.C.; Oliveira, M.L.; Marins, R.V. & Lacerda, L.D. 2010. A New Protocol to Detect Light Elements in Estuarine Sediments by X-Ray Microanalysis (SEM/EDS). Journal of Electron Microscopy 59(5): 437-446.ACESSE

13. 1. Kury, K.A.; Rezende, C.E. & Pedlowiski, M.A. 2010. O entendimento da população de São João da Barra sobre a influência do mega-empreendimento do complexo portuário e industrial do Açu em seu cotidiano. In: V Encontro Nacional da Anppas, 4-7 de outubro, Florianópolis, p: 1-17.ACESSE

14.Araújo, B.F.; Carvalho, C.E.V.; Andrade, D.R.; Gomes, R.S. & Souza, C.T. 2010. Distribuição de mercúrio total em tecido muscular de Hypostomus affinis (Steindachner, 1877) e Hypostomus c.f. luetkini (Barlenger, 1887) no Rio Muriaé, Itaperuna – RJ. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Ecotoxicology, 5(1): 49-54. ACESSE

15.Campaneli, L.B.; Souza, C.M.M.; Ribeiro, T.S.; Rezende, C.E.; Azevedo, R.A.; Almeida, M.D. & Vitória, A.P. 2010. Variação espaço-temporal de metais em aguapé [Eichornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms)], material particulado aderido às raízes de aguapé e nos sedimentos em dois rios do sudeste brasileiro. Biotemas 23(4): 119-128.ACESSE

16.Eschrique, S. A., Braga, E. S., Marins, R.V., Chiozzini, V.G. 2010. Nutrients as indicators of environmental changes in two Brazilian estuarine. In: Brito, C.R. & Ciampi, M.M. (eds.), Converging Towards Sustainability, SHEWC’20101 – X Safety, Health and Environment World Congress, São Paulo, p: 71-75.ACESSE

17.1. Braga, E.S. & Torres, J.L.R. 2010. The role of urea in the coastal nitrogen biogeochemical cycle as a sign of environmental health. In: Brito, C.R. & Ciampi, M.M. (eds.), Converging Towards Sustainability, SHEWC’20101 – X Safety, Health and Environment World Congress, São Paulo, p: 71-75.ACESSE

18.Tonini, R.M.C.W.; Rezende, C.E. & Gravitol., A.D. 2010. Degradação e biorremediação de compostos do petróleo por bactérias: Revisão. Oecologia Australis 14(4): 1025-1035. ACESSE

19.Pereira-Filho, J.; Rörig, L.R.; Schettini, C.A.F.; Soppa, M.A.; Santana, B.L. & Santos, J.E. 2010. Spatial changes in the water quality of Itajaí-Açu fluvial-estuarine system, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 82(4): 963-982.ACESSE

20.1. Marques, E.D.; Sella, S.M.; Bidone; E.D. & Silva Filho, E.V. 2010. Geochemical behavior and dissolved species control in acid sand pit lakes, Sepetiba sedimentary basin, Rio de Janeiro, SE – Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 30 (3-4): 176-188.ACESSE


1. Medeiros, P.R.P.; Knoppers, B.A.;Cavalcante, G.H. & Souza, W.F.L. 2011. Changes in nutrient loads (N, P and Si) in the São Francisco Estuary after the construction of dams. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 54 (2): 387-397. ACESSE

2.Soares, T.M.; Coutinho, D.; Lacerda, L.D.; Rebelo, M.F. & Moraes, O. 2011. Mercury accumulation and metallothionein expression from aquafeeds by Litopenanaeus vannamei Boone, 1931. Brazilian Journal of Biology 71(1): 131-137. ACESSE

3.Maioli, O.L.; Rodrigues, K.C.; Knoppers, B.A. & Azevedo, D.A. 2011. Distribution and sources of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in suspended particulate matter in water from two Brazilian estuarine systems. Continental Shelf Research, 31: 1116-1127. ACESSE

4. Marone, E.; Lana, P.C.; Andriguetto, J.M.; Seixas, C.S.; Turra, A. & Knoppers, B.A. 2010. Coastal ecosystems and human well-being. The case of MAFU Brazil and a program in progress with India and South Africa. Forum de Sustentabilid, 4: 97-109.ACESSE

5. Lacerda, L.D. A Transferência de Materiais na Interface Continente-Oceano. Revista Virtual de Química 3 (2): 59.ACESSE

6. Miguens, F.C.; Oliveira M.L.; Marins, R.V. & Lacerda, L.D. 2011. Microscopia Analítica como ferramenta no estudo de sedimentos. Revista Virtual de Química 3 (2): 60-67. ACESSE

7. Santos Neves, J.M.C.O.; Lacerda, L.D. & Silva-Filho, E.V. 2011. Ultrafiltração tangencial como ferramenta no estudo da distribuição de contaminantes em sistemas aquáticos. Revista Virtual de Química 3 (2): 68-77ACESSE

8. SWetler-Tonini, R.M.C.; Rezende, C.E. & Grativol, A.D. 2011. Biodegradação de compostos do petróleo e métodos de identificação de bactérias degradadoras. Revista Virtual de Química 3 (2): 78-87ACESSE

9. Oliveira, R.C.B. & Marins, R.V. 2011. Dinâmica de Metais-traço em Solo e Ambiente Sedimentar Estuarino como um Fator Determinante no Aporte desses Contaminantes para o Ambiente Aquático: revisão. Revista Virtual de Química 3 (2): 88-102.ACESSE

10.Gastão, F.G.C.; Maia, L.P.; Tatumi, S.H. & Lacerda, L.D. 2011. A utilização do método de Luminescência Opticamente Estimulada para a datação de sedimentos de dunas costeiras do nordeste setentrional do Brasil. Revista Virtual de Química 3 (2): 103-115 ACESSE

11. Souza, W.F.L.; Medeiros, P.R.P.; Brandini, N. & Knoppers, B.A. 2011. Impactos de barragens sobre os fluxos de materiais na interface continente-oceano. Revista Virtual de Química 3 (2): 116-128ACESSE

12.Andrade, S.F.; Matos, T.B. & Carvalho, C.E.V. 2011. Variação sazonal de metais pesados em tecido muscular de Callinectes ornatus (Ordway, 1863) na Lagoa de Iquiparí, S.E., Brasil. Revista Virtual de Química 3 (2): 129-137ACESSE

13.Matos, T.B. & Carvalho, C.E.V. 2011. Relação entre parâmetros reprodutivos e sazonalidade com a acumulação de mercúrio em Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Heller, 1862) da plataforma continental SE do Brasil. Revista Virtual de Química 3 (2): 138-143ACESSE

14.Bernini, E. & Rezende, C.E. 2010. Litterfall in a mangrove in southeast Brazil. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 5(4):508-519. ACESSE

15.Marins, R.V.; Paula Filho, F.J.; Eschrique, S.A. & Lacerda, L.D. 2011. Anthropogenic sources and distribution of phosphorus in sediments from in the Jaguaribe river estuary, NE Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology 71 (3): 673-678ACESSE

16.Baldoto, M.A.; Canellas, L.P.; Rosa, R.C.C.; Rangel, T.P.; Salomão, M.S.M.B. & Rezende, C.E. 2011. Capacidade de oxidação como índice de estabilidade da matéria orgânica de sedimentos de acordo com gradiente fluvial-estuarino do Rio Paraíba do Sul. Química Nova 34(6): 973-978.ACESSE

17.Carreira, R.S.; Araújo, M.P.; Costa, T.L.F.; Sporl, G. & Knoppers, B.A. 2011. Lipids in the sedimentary record as markers of the sources and deposition of organic matter in a tropical Brazilian estuarine-lagoon system. Marine Chemistry 127: 1-11.ACESSE

18.Di Beneditto, A.P.M.; Souza, C.M.M.; Kehrig, H.A.; Rezende, C.E. 2011 Use of multiple tools to assess the feeding preference of coastal dolphins. Marine Biology 158: 2209–2217ACESSE

19.Melo-Magalhães, E.M.; Moura, A.N.; Medeiros, P.R.P.; Lima, E.L.R. & Koening, M.L. 2011. Phytoplankton of the São Francisco River estuarine region (Northeastern Brazil): a study of its diversity. Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Sciences and Technology, 15(1): 95-105ACESSE

20.Lacerda, L.D.; T.M. Soares; B.G.B. Costa & Godoy, M.D.P. 2011. Mercury Emission Factors from Intensive Shrimp Aquaculture and its relative importance to the Jaguaribe River Estuary, NE Brazil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 87: 657-661ACESSE

21.Petri, D.J.C.; Bernini, E.; Souza, L.M. & Rezende, C.E. 2011. Distribuição de espécies e estrutura do manguezal do rio Benevente, Anchieta, ES. Biota Neotropica 11(3): 1-11.ACESSE

22.Medeiros, P.R.P.; Knoppers, B.; Souza, W.F L. & Oliveira, E.N. 2011. Aporte de material em suspensão no baixo Rio São Francisco (SE/AL), em diferentes condições hidrológicas. Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Sciences & Technology 15(1): 42-53.ACESSE

23.Dias FJS, Lacerda LD, Marins RV & de Paula FCF (2011) Comparative analysis of rating curve and adp estimates of instantaneous water discharge through estuaries in two contrasting Brazilian rivers. Hydrological Processes 25: 2188–2201.ACESSE

24.Costa, T.L.F.; Araújo, M.P.; Knoppers, B.A.; Carreira, R.S. 2011. Sources and distribution of particulate organic matter of a tropical estuarine-lagoon system from NE Brazil as indicated by lipid biomarkers. Aquatic Geochemistry, 17: 1-19.ACESSE

25.Melendez, L.B.; Silva-Filho, E.V. Miekeley, N.; Vieira, F.A. & Sella, S.M. 2011. Determination of Arsenic Species in P. calomelanos and N. biserrata. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 22 (10): 1961-1967.ACESSE

26.Tubbs, D.; Marque, E.D.; Gomes, O.V O. & Silva-Filho, E.V. 2011. Impacto da Mineração de Areia sobre a Química das Águas Subterrâneas, Distrito Areeiro da Piranema, Municípios de Itaguaí e Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro. Brazilian Journal of Geology41(3): 472-485.ACESSE

27.Baldotto, M.A.; Canellas, L.P.; Rosa, R.C.C.; Rangel, T.P.; Salomão, M.S.M.B. & Rezende, C.E. 2011. Capacidade de oxidação como índice de estabilidade da matéria orgânica de sedimentos de acordo com gradiente fluvial-estuarino do Rio Paraíba Do Sul. Química Nova 34(6): 973-978ACESSE

28.Braga, E.S.; Souza, A.P.R.; Salles, M.O.; Braga, E.S. ; Bertotti, M. 2011. Determination of dissolved Zn(II) and Cd(II) in estuarine water by using a bismuth film microelectrode. Electroanalysis 23 (11): 2511 – 2515ACESSE

29.Silva-Filho, E.V.; Sanders, C.J.; Bernat, M.; Figueiredo, A.M.G.; Sella, S.M.; Waserman, J. 2011. Origin of rare earth element anomalies in mangrove sediments, Sepetiba Bay, SE Brazil: used as geochemical tracers of sediment sources. Environmental Earth Sciences 64:1257–1267.ACESSE

30.Silva, C.A.; Tessier, E; kutter, V.T.; Wasserman, J.; Donard, O.; Silva-Filho, E.V. 2011. Mercury speciation in fish of the Cabo Frio upwelling region, SE – Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 59(3):259-266. ACESSE


1.Di Beneditto, A.P.M.; Bittar, V.T.; Camargo, P.B.; Rezende, C.E. & Kehrig, H.A. 2012. Mercury and Nitrogen Isotope in a Marine Species from a Tropical Coastal Food Web. Archives of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology, 62:264–271.ACESSE

2.Bezerra, M.F., Lacerda, L.D.; Costa, B.G.B., Lima, E.H.S.M. 2012. Mercury in sea turtles, Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1958), from the coast of Ceará, NE Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 84: 123-128. ACESSE

3.Godoy, J.M.; Oliveira, A.V.; Almeida, A.C.; Godoy, M.L.D.P.; Moreira, I.; Wagener, A.R. & Figueiredo Junior, A.G. 2012. Guanabara Bay sedimentation rates based on 210Pb dating: Reviewing the existing data and adding new data. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 23 (7): 1265-1273.ACESSE

4.Bataglion, G.A.; Puhl, P.R.; Rau, M.; Damatto, S.R. & Madureira, L.A.S. 2012. Avaliação de Compostos Lipídicos em Ambiente Anóxico da Lagoa da Conceição, Ilha de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Revista Virtual de Química, 4 (4): 474-489.ACESSE

5.Sewald, A.M.; Rau, M.; Rudorff, N.M.; Bonetti, C. & Madureira, L.A.S. 2012. Caracterização Química do Extrato Orgânico de Sedimentos em Áreas de Cultivo de Ostras e Mexilhões na Baía Sul de Florianópolis, SC. Revista Virtual de Química, 4 (4): 413-433. ACESSE

6.Lacerda, L.D.; Marins, R.V.; Dias, F.J.S. & Soares, T.M. 2012. O Paradoxo Ártico: Impacto das Mudanças Climáticas Sobre Rios Árticos e do Semiárido Aumentam a Exportação de Mercúrio para o Oceano. Revista Virtual de Química, 4 (4): 456-463.ACESSE

7.Godoy, J.M.; Godoy, M.L.D.P. & Neto, A. 2012. Direct determination of α(D) and α(18O) in water samples using cavity ring down spectrometry: Application to bottled mineral water. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 119–120: 1–5.123.ACESSE

8.Higino, P.A.S.; Jesus, T.B.; Carvalho, C.E.V.; Tonial, L.S.S. & Calado, T.C.S. 2012. Variação Sazonal de Mercúrio Total em Sururus (Mytella charruana, Orbigny, 1842) de uma Laguna Tropical, NE, Brasil. Revista Virtual de Química, 4 (4): 393-404.ACESSE

9.Barroso-Matos, T.; Bernini, E. & Rezende, C.E. 2012. Decomposition of mangrove leaves in the estuary of Paraíba do Sul River Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, 40(2): 398-407ACESSE

10.Dittmar, T.; Rezende, C.E.; Manecki, M.; Niggemann, J.; Ovalle, A.R.C. & Bernardes, M.C. 2012. Continuous flux of dissolved black carbon from a vanished tropical forest biome. Published Online: 12 August 2012 Nature GeoscienceACESSE

11.Souza, A.P.R.; Braga, E.S. & Bertotti, M. 2012. On Site Stripping Voltammetric Determination of Zn(II), Cd(II) and Pb(II) in Water Samples of the Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon Complex in São Paulo State, Brazil. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 23 (7): 1320-1326ACESSE

12.Bernardes, M.C.; Knoppers, B.A; Rezende, C.E.; Souza, W.F.L. & Ovalle, ARC. 2012. Land-sea interface features of four estuaries on the South America Atlantic coast. Brazilian Journal of Biology 72, no. 3 (suppl.): p. 761-774.ACESSE

13.Oliveira, E.N.; Knoppers, B.A.; Lorenzzetti, J.A.; Medeiros, P.R.P.; Carneiro, M.E. & Souza, W.F.L. 2012. A satellite view of riverine turbidity plumes on the NE-E Brazilian coastal zone. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 60(3): 283-298.ACESSE

14.Vitória, A.P.; Lage-Pinto, F.; Silva, L.B.C.; Cunha, M.; Oliveira, J.G.; Rezende, C.E.; Souza, C.M.M. & Azevedo, R.A. 2011. Structural and ecophysiological alterations of the water hyacinth [Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms] due to anthropogenic stress in Brazilian rivers. Brazilian Archives of Biology & Technology, 54(5): 1059-1068.ACESSE

15.Cavalcante, R.M.; Lima, D.M.; Fernandes, G.M. & Duavía, W.C. 2012. Relation factor: A new strategy for quality control in the determination of pesticides in environmental aqueous matrices. Talanta 93: 212–218. ACESSE

16.Melendez, L.B.; Kütter, V.T.; Montes-Bayón, M.; Sella S.M.; Silva-Filho, E.V. 2012. Determinação de Metalotioneínas e Fitoquelatinas utilizando a técnica de HPLC-ICP-MS. Revista Virtual de Química 4(6): 612-622..ACESSE

17.Paula Filho, F.J.; de Moura, M.C.S.; Marins, R.V. 2012. Fracionamento Geoquímico do Fósforo em Água e Sedimentos do Rio Corrente, Bacia hidrográfica do Parnaíba/PI. Revista Virtual de Química 4(6): 623-640.ACESSE

18.Sanders, C.J.; Santos, I.R.; Barcellos, R.; Silva Filho, E.V. 2012. Elevated concentrations of dissolved Ba, Fe and Mn in a mangrove subterranean estuary: Consequence of sea level rise? Continental Shelf Research 43: 86-94. ACESSE

19.Sanders, C.J.; Barcellos, R.G.S.; Silva-Filho, E.V. 2012. Major element concentrations in mangrove pore water, Sepetiba Bay, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography 60(1): 33-39.ACESSE


1. Molisani, M.M.; Esteves, F.A.; Lacerda, L.D. & Rezende, C.E. 2013. Emissões naturais e antrópicas de nitrogênio, fósforo e metais para a bacia do rio Macaé (Macaé, RJ, Brasil) sob a influência das atividades de exploração de petróleo e gás na bacia de campos. Química Nova 36(1): 27-33.ACESSE

2.Cotovicz Junior, L.C.; Brandini, N.; Knoppers, B.A.; Mizerkowski, B.D.; Sterza, J.M.; Ovalle, A.R.C. & Medeiros, P.R.P. 2013. Assessment of the trophic status of four coastal lagoons and one estuarine delta, eastern Brazil. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 185: 3297–3311.ACESSE

3.Lacerda, L.D.; Campos, R.C. & Santelli, R.E. 2013. Metals in water, sediments and biota of an offshore oil exploration area in the Potiguar Basin, Northeastern Brazil. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 185: 4427-4447. ACESSE

4. Costa, B.G.B.; Soares, T.M.; Torres, R.F. & Lacerda, L.D. 2013. Mercury distribution in a mangrove tidal creek affected by intensive shrimp farming. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 90: 537-541ACESSE

5. Molisani, M.M.; Becker, H.; Barroso, H.S.; Hijo, C.A.G.; Monte, T.M.; Vasconcellos, G.H. & Lacerda, L.D. 2013. The influence of Castanhão reservoir on nutrient and suspended matter transport during rainy season in the ephemeral Jaguaribe River (CE, Brazil). Brazilian Journal of Biology 73 (1): 115-123.ACESSE

6. Awabdi, D.R.; Siciliano, S. & Di Beneditto, A.P.M. 2013. Ingestão de resíduos sólidos por tartarugas-verdes juvenis, Chelonia mydas (L. 1758), na costa leste do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Revista Biotemas 26 (1), 197-200.ACESSE

7.Awabdi, D.R.; Siciliano, S. & Di Beneditto, A.P.M. 2013. First information about the stomach contents of juvenile green turtles, Chelonia mydas, in Rio de Janeiro, south-eastern Brazil. Marine Biodiversity Records, Vol. 6; e5; 2013. ACESSE

8.Di Beneditto, A.P.M.; Bittar, V.T.; Rezende, C.E.; Camargo, P.B. & Kehrig, H.A. 2013. Mercury and stable isotopes (δ15N and δ13C) as tracers during the ontogeny of Trichiurus lepturus. Neotropical Ichthyology 11(1): 211-216.ACESSE

9. Machado, F.M.; Sá, F.S.; Rezende, C.E. & Zalmon, I.R. 2013. Artificial reef impact on microbenthic community on south-eastern Brazil coast. Marine Biodiversity Records; Vol. 6; e40; ACESSE

10.Rau, M.; Bataglion, G.A. & Madureira, L.A.S. 2013. Avaliação de biomarcadores geoquímicos e salinidade em perfis sedimentares na Lagoa do Ribeirão em Paulo Lopes, SC. Revista Virtual de Química, 5 (2), 201-221ACESSE

11. Frota, F.F.; Paiva, B.P. & Schettini, C.A.F. 2013. Intra-tidal variation of stratification in a semi-arid estuary under the impact of flow regulation. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, 61(1): 23-33. ACESSE

12. Silva, M.A.M.; Eça, G.F.; Santos, D.F.; Guimarães, A.G.; Lima, M.C. & Souza, M.F.L. 2013. Dissolved inorganic nutrients and chlorophyll a in an estuary receiving sewage treatment plant effluents: Cachoeira River estuary (NE Brazil). Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 185: 5387-5399.ACESSE

13.Godoy, J.M.; Souza, T.A.; Godoy, M.L.D.P.; Moreira, I.; Carvalho, Z.L.; Lacerda, L.D. & Fernandes F.C. 2013. Groundwater and surface water quality in a coastal bay with negligible fresh groundwater discharge: Arraial do Cabo, Brazil. Marine Chemistry 156: 85-97.ACESSE

14.Ovalle, A.R.C.; Silva, C.F.; Rezende, C.E.; Gatts, C.E.N.; Suzuki, M.S. & Figueiredo, R.O. 2013. Long-term trends in hydrochemistry in the Paraíba do Sul River, southeastern Brazil. Journal of Hydrology 481: 191–203. ACESSE

15.Dias, F.J.S.; Castro, B.M. & Lacerda, L.D. (2013). Continental shelf water masses off Jaguaribe River (4o S) – Northeastern, Brazil. Continental Shelf Research 66: 123-135.ACESSE

16.Gomes, O.V.O.; Aires, J.R.; Marques, E.D. & Silva Filho, E.V. 2013. Análise da salinidade dos aquíferos na Bacia do Macacu, Itaboraí, RJ. Águas Subterrâneas 27(2): 1-15.ACESSE

17.Figueiredo, T.S.; Albuquerque, A.L.S.; Sanders, C.J.; Cordeiro, G.M.S.L. & Silva Filho, E.V. 2013. Mercury deposition during the previous century in an upwelling region; Cabo Frio, Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin 76 (1-2): 389-393. ACESSE

18.Sial, A.N.; Lacerda, L.D.; Ferreira, V.P.; Frei, R. Marquillas, R.A.; Barbosa, J.A.; Gaucher, C.; Windmöller, C.C. & Pereira, N.S. 2013. Mercury as a proxy for volcanic activity during extreme environmental turnover: the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 387: 153-164.ACESSE

19.Gomes, O.V.O., Marques, E., Souza, M.D.C. & silva filho, E.V. 2013. Influência antrópica nas águas superficiais da cidade de Três Rios, (RJ). Geochimica Brasiliensis 27(1): 77-86.ACESSE

20.Santos, E.S., Jennerjahn, T., Leipe, T., Medeiros, P.R.P., Souza, W.F.L. & Knoppers, B.A. 2013. Origem da matéria orgânica sedimentar no delta-estuarino do Rio São Francisco, AL/SE – Brasil. Geochimica Brasiliensis 27(1): 37-48 ACESSE

21.Fiori, C.S., Rodriguers, A.P.C., Santelli, R.E. et al. 2013. Ecological risk index for aquatic pollution control: a case study of coastal water bodies from the Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil. Geochimica Brasiliensis 27(1): 24-36.ACESSE

22.Lacerda, L.D.; Dias, F.J.S.; Marins, R.V.; Soares, T.M.; Godoy, J.M. & Godoy, M.L.D.P. 2013. Pluriannual watershed discharges of Hg into a tropical semi-arid estuary of the Jaguaribe River, NE Brazil. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 24(11): 1719-1731.ACESSE

23.Bezerra, M.F.; Lacerda, L.D.; Lima, E.H.S.M. & Melo, M.T.D. 2013. Monitoring mercury in green sea turtles using keratinized carapace fragments (scutes). Marine Pollution Bulletin 77: 424–427.ACESSE

24.Kütter, V.T.; Wallner-Kersanach, M; Sella, S.M.; Albuquerque, A.L.S.; Knoppers, B.A. & Silva-Filho E.V. 2014. Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stoichiometry of plankton and the nutrient regime in Cabo Frio Bay, SE Brazil. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 186: 559-573ACESSE

25.Figueiredo, T.S.; Albuquerque, A.L.S.; Sanders, C.J.; Cordeiro, L.G.M.S. & Silva-Filho E.V. 2013. Mercury deposition during the previous century in an upwelling region; Cabo Frio, Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin 76: 389-393.ACESSE

26.Santos, E.S.; Jennerjahn, T.; Leipe, T.; Medeiros, P.R.P.M.; Souza, W.F.K. & Knoppers, B.A. 2013. Origem da matéria orgânica sedimentar no delta-estuarino do Rio São Francisco, AL/SE – Brasil. Geochimica Brasiliensis 27(1): 37-48.ACESSE

27.Kehrig, H.A., Seixas, T.G., Malm, O., Di Beneditto, A.P.M. & Rezende, C.E. 2013. Mercury and selenium biomagnification in a Brazilian coastal food web using nitrogen stable isotope analysis: A case study in an area under the influence of the Paraiba do Sul River plume. Marine Pollution Bulletin 75: 283–290. ACESSE

28.Zalmon, I.R., Macedo I.M., Rezende C.E., Falcão, A.P.C. & Almeida, T.C. The distribution of macrofauna on the inner continental shelf of southeastern Brazil: The major influence of an estuarine system. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 130: 169-178. ACESSE

29.Di Beneditto, A.P.M., Bittar, V.T., Rezende, C.E., Camargo, P.B. & Kehrig, H.A. 2013. Mercury and stable isotopes (δ15N and δ13C) as tracers during the ontogeny of Trichiurus lepturus. Neotropical Ichthyology, 11(1):211-216.ACESSE

30.Dias, F.J.S., Marins, R.V. & Maia, L.P. 2013. Impact of drainage basin changes on suspended matter and particulate Copper and Zinc discharges to the ocean from the Jaguaribe River in the Semiarid NE Brazilian coast. Journal of Coastal Research 29(5)1137-1145ACESSE

31. Godoy, M.D.P. &. Lacerda, L.D. 2013. Changes of estuarine islands and rainfall tendencies in the Jaguaribe river watershed - CE, Brazil. Arquivos de Ciências do Mar 46(2): 47-54.ACESSE

32.De Souza, E.R.S. & De Paula F.C.F. 2013. Spatial and Temporal Hydrochemical Variation of a Third Order River Network in a Quasi Pristine Coastal Watershed, at Southern Bahia, Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 85(4): 1357-1370. ACESSE

33. Sanders, L.M.; Luiz-Silva, W.; Machado, W.; Sanders, C.J.; Marotta, H.; Enrich-Prast, A.; Bosco-Santos, A.; Boden, A.; Silva-Filho, E.V.; Santos, I.R. & Patchineelam S. R. 2013. Rare earth element and radionuclide distribution in surface sediments along an estuarine system affected by fertilizer industry contamination. Water Air Soil Pollution 224: 1742 ACESSE

34.Santos, D.A.; Mattos, J.B. & Paula, F.C.F. 2013. Produção de água em uma unidade de conservação do sul da Bahia. In: Proc. XX Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos, Bento Gonçalves, SBRH, pp. 1-8. .ACESSE



1.Aguiar, J.E.; Lacerda, L.D.; Miguens, F.C. & Marins, R.V. 2014. The geostatistics of the metal concentrations in sediments from the eastern Brazilian continental shelf in areas of gas and oil production. Journal of the South American Earth Sciences 51: 91-104.ACESSE

2. Ditty, J.M. & Rezende, C.E. 2014. Unjust and unsustainable: A case study of the Açu port industrial complex. Marine Policy 45: 82-88.ACESSE

3.Wanderley, C.V.A.; Godoy, J.M.; Godoy, M.L.D.P.; Rezende, C.E.; Lacerda, L.D.; Moreira, I. & Carvalho Z.L. 2014. Evaluating sedimentation rates in the estuary and shelf region of the Paraiba do Sul River, Brazil. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 25(1): 50-64.ACESSE

4.Godoy, M.D.P. &. Lacerda, L.D. 2014. Changes of river islands in the Jaguaribe river estuary, NE Brazil, between 1988 and 2008 using satellite images. Journal of Coastal Research 30(2): 399-410. ACESSE

5.Araujo, C.L.; Loureiro, D.D.; Ferreira, M.M.; LACERDA, L.D.; Fernandez, M.A. & Machado, W.T. 2014. Seagrass removal concerns in a tropical coastal lagoon: does sediment metal pollution matter? Geochemica Brasiliensis 28(2):131-136.ACESSE


1.Bezerra, M.F.; Lacerda, L.D.; Rezende, C.E.; Franco, M.A.L. & Almeida, M.D.; Macedo, G.r.; Pires, T.T.; Rostán, G. & Lopez, G.G. 2015. Food preferences and Hg distribution in Chelonia mydas assessed by stable isotopes. Environmental Pollution 206: 236-246. ACESSE

2.Paula Filho, F.J. Marins, R.V.; Lacerda, L.D.; Aguiar, J.E. & Peres, T.F. 2015. Background values for evaluation of heavy metal contamination in sediments in the Parnaíba River Delta estuary, NE/Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin 91: 424-428.ACESSE

3.Paula Filho, F.J. Marins, R.V.; Lacerda, L.D. 2015. Natural and anthropogenic emissions of N and P to the Parnaíba River Delta in NE Brazil. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 166: 34-44.ACESSE

4.Godoy, M.D.P. & Lacerda, L.D. 2015. Mangroves Response to Climate Change: A Review of Recent Findings on Mangrove Extension and Distribution. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 87(2): 651-667.ACESSE

5.Oliveira, K.F.; Lacerda, L.D.; Peres, T.F.; Bezerra, M.F.; Dias, F.J.S. 2015. Emission factor and balance of mercury in fish farms in an artificial reservoir in NE-Brazil. Environmental Science & Pollution Research 22: 18278-18287.ACESSE


1.Rios, J.H.L.; Marins, R.V.; Oliveira, K.F. & Lacerda, L.D. 2016. Long-Term (2002–2015) Changes in Mercury Contamination in NE Brazil Depicted by the Mangrove Oyster Crassostraea rhizophorae (Guilding, 1828). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 97: 474-479. ACESSE

2. Ferreira, A.C. & Lacerda, L.D. 2016. Degradation and conservation of Brazilian mangroves, status and perspective. Ocean & Coastal Management 125: 38-46. ACESSE

3. Medeiros, P.R.P.; Cavalcante, G.H.; Brandini, N. & Knoppers, B.A. 2016. Inter-annual variability on the water quality in the Lower São Francisco River (NE-Brazil). Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 28, p. 1-11ACESSE

4.Melo-Magalhães, E.M.; Moura, A.N.M.; Medeiros, P.R.P. & Koening, M.L. 2016. Microphytoplankton biomass and trophic state of the estuarine region of São Francisco River (Northeastern Brazil). Brazilian Journal of Aquatic Science and Technology, 20, 19-30.ACESSE

5.Lacerda L.D., Bezerra, M.F., Costa, B.G.B., Braga,T.M. & Goyanna, F.A.A. 2016. Mercury Distribution in Fish Commercialized in The Mucuripe Market, Fortaleza, CE Brazil. Arquivos de Ciências do Mar 49(1): 50-54. ACESSE

6. SDias, F.J.S.; Castro, B.M.; Lacerda, L.d.; Miranda, L.B. & Marins, R.V. 2016. Physical characteristics and discharges of suspended particulate matter at the continent-ocean interface in an estuary located in a semiarid region in northeastern Brazil. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 180, 258-274.ACESSE

7. Santos, J.A.; Oliveira, K.F.; Araújo, I.C.S.; Avelino, I.I.F.; Cajuí, K.N.S.; Lacerda, L.D. & Marins, R.V. 2016. Phosphorus partitioning in sediments from a tropical reservoir during a strong period of drought. Environmental Science & Pollution Research 23: 24237-24247.ACESSE

8. Falcão Filho, C.A.T., Strenzel, G.M.R. & de Paula, F.C.F. 2016. Dados TM aplicados a modelagem da pluma sedimentar na Costa do Cacau, Ilhéus- Bahia, Brasil. Caminhos de Geografia, 17(58), 117–135ACESSE


1. Santos, J.A.; Marins, R.V.; Aguiar, J.E.; Challar, G.; Silva, F.A.T.F. & Lacerda, L.D. 2017. Hydrochemistry and Trophic State Change in a Large Reservoir in the Brazilian Northeast Region under Intense Drought Conditions. Journal of Limnology 76, 41-51.ACESSE

2. Mattos, J.; Filho, C.; Alves, D. & Paula, F. 2017. Diagnóstico geoambiental da microbacia do rio Una, Sul da Bahia: Vegetação, morfometria e uso do solo. ACESSE

3. Barroso, H.S.; Santos, J.A.; Marins, R.V. & Lacerda, L.D. 2017. Assessing temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton composition in a large reservoir in the Brazilian northeastern region under intense drought conditions. Journal of Limnology 77, 130-146ACESSE

4. Oliveira, K.F.; Lacerda, L.D., Peres, T.F.; Andrade, J.A. & Marins, R.V. 2017. The Fate of Cu, Zn and Mn in an Intensive Fish Aquaculture (Tilapia - Oreochromis niloticus) in an artificial reservoir in Northeastern Brazil. Environmental Processes 4, 107–121.ACESSE

5. Carvalho, A.C.O.; Marins, R.V.; Dias, F.J.S.; Rezende, C.E.; Lefevre, N.; Cavalcante, M.S. & Eschrique, S.A. 2017. Air-sea CO 2 fluxes for the Brazilian northeast continental shelf in a climatic transition region. Journal of Marine Systems 173, 70-80. ACESSE

6. Lacerda, L.D.; Goyanna, F.; Bezerra, M.F. & Silva, G.B. 2017. Mercury concentrations in tuna (Thunnus albacares and Thunnus obesus) from the Brazilian Equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 98: 149-155. ACESSE

7. Lacerda, L.D.; Turcq, B.; Sifeddine, A. & Cordeiro, R.C. 2017. Mercury accumulation rates in Caço Lake, NE Brazil during the past 20.000 years. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 77, 42-50. ACESSE


1.Santos-Neves, J.M.; Marques, E.D.; Kütter, V.T.; Lacerda, L.D.; Sanders, C.J.; Sella, S.M. & Silva-Filho, E.V. 2018. Influence of river water diversion on hydrogeochemistry and REE distribution, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 13, 453- 464ACESSE

2.Lacerda, L.D.; Santos, J.A.; Marins, R.V.; Silva, F.A.T.F. 2018. Limnology of the largest multi-use artificial reservoir in NE Brazil: The Castanhão Reservoir, Ceará State. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 90, 2073-2096. ACESSE

3. Jonatas B.M.; Santos, D.A.; Falcão Filho, C.A.t.; Santos, T.J. Santos, M.G. & De Paula, F.C.F. 2018. Water production in a Brazilian montane rainforest: Implications for water resources management. Environmental Science & Policy 84, 52-59. ACESSE

4. Oliveira, C.L.M.; Paula Filho, F.J.; Freitas, D.M.G.; Moura, J.V.B. & Santiago, M.O. 2018. Characterization of galvanic sludges waste derived of the metal plating industry from Cariri Region, Northeastern of Brazil. Materials Science Forum 930, 541-545. ACESSE

5.Medeiros, P.R.P.; Cavalcante, G.H.; Brandini, N. & Melo, E. R. 2018. The São Francisco River (NE): review on the interannual loading of particulate matter suspended to the ocean and impacts of dams. International Journal of Hydrology 2, 195. ACESSE

6. Santos, E.O.; Medeiros, P.R.P. & Santos, C.J.S. 2018. Implicações socioambientais do processo de apropriação e uso do Rio Paraíba do Meio em Viçosa (AL). Revista Geonorte 9, 45-66.ACESSE

7. Lins, R.; Martinez, J-M.; Motta Marques, D.; Cirilo, J.; Medeiros, P.R.P. & Fragoso Júnior, C. 2018. A multivariate analysis framework to detect key environmental factors affecting spatiotemporal variability of chlorophyll-a in a tropical productive estuarine-lagoon system. Remote Sensing 10, 853.ACESSE

8.Moura,V.L.; Costa, B.G.B. & Lacerda, L.D. 2018. Distribuição de mercúrio na fauna estuarina do rio Jaguaribe – CE. Arquivos de Ciências do Mar 51, 49-56. ACESSE

9. Dias FJS, Castro BM, LACERDA LD (2018). Tidal and low-frequency currents off the Jaguaribe River estuary (4oS, 37o4’W), northeastern Brazil. Ocean Dynamics 68: 967-985ACESSE


1. Saes, S.T.; Marins, R.V.; Moreira, L.B. & Peres, T.F. 2019. Sub-lethal Responses of the polychaete Armandia agilis in whole-sediment toxicity testing. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 102, 310-315. ACESSE

2.Santos. D.A. & De Paula, F.C.F. 2019. Diel changes in aquatic biogeochemistry of a pristine stream receiving untreated urban sewage at Brazilian rainforest. Environmental Science & Pollution Research International 26, 12324-12334.ACESSE


1. Moreira, L.B.; Castro, I.B.; Fillmann, G.; Peres, T.F.; Belmino, I.K.C., Sasaki, S.T.; Taniguchi, S.; Bícego, M.C.; Marins, R.V.; Lacerda, L.D.; Costa-Lotufo, L.V. & Abessa, D.S. 2020. Dredging impacts on the toxicity and development of sediment quality values in a semi-arid region (Ceará state, NE Brazil). Environmental Research 2020, 110525. ACESSE

2.Moura, V.L.; Rabelo, J.N.; Bezerra, M.F.; Silva, G.B.; Faria, V.V.; Rezende, C.E.; Bastos, W.R. & Lacerda, L.D. 2020. Ecological and biological factors associated to mercury accumulation in batoids (Chondrichthyes: Batoidea) from northeastern Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin 161(A): e111761.ACESSE

3. Paula Filho, F.J.; Marins, R.V.; Chicharo, L.; Souza, R.B.; Santos, G.V. & Braz, E.M.A. 2020. Evaluation of water quality and trophic state in the Parnaíba River Delta, northeast Brazil. Regional Studies in Marine Science 34, 101025-1ACESSE

4. Cavalcante, G.; Vieira, F.; Campos, E.; Brandini, N. & Medeiros, P.R.P. 2020. Temporal streamflow reduction and impact on the salt dynamics of the São Francisco River Estuary and adjacent coastal zone (NE/Brazil). Regional Studies in Marine Science 38, 1-11, 2020 ACESSE

5. Barrios CAR, Lacerda LD, Bezerra MF, Moura VL, Rezende CE, Bastos, WR. 2020. Influence of size on total mercury (THg), methyl mercury (MeHg), and stable isotopes of N and C in green turtles (Chelonia mydas) from NE Brazil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27: 20527-20537ACESSE

6.Lacerda LD, Marins RV, Dias FJS. 2020. An Arctic Paradox: Response of fluvial Hg inputs and its bioavailability to global climate change in an extreme coastal environment. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 8, 93 ACESSE

7.Marins RV, Lacerda LD, Araújo ICS, Fonseca LV, Silva FATF. 2020. Phosphorus and suspended matter retention in mangroves affected by shrimp farm effluents in NE Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 92 (3): e20200758ACESSE

8. Cotovicz LC, Chielle R, Marins RV. 2020. Air-sea CO2 flux in an equatorial continental shelf dominated by coral reefs (Southwestern Atlantic Ocean). Continental Shelf Research 204, 104175ACESSE

9. Cotovicz LC, Vidal LO, Rezende CE, Bernarde MC, Knoppers BA, Sobrinho RL, Cardoso RP, Muniz M, Anjos RM, Biehler A, Abril G. 2020. Carbon dioxide sources and sinks in the delta of the Paraíba do Sul River (Southeastern Brazil) modulated by carbonate thermodynamics, gas exchange and ecosystem metabolism during estuarine mixing. Marine Chemistry 226, 103869 ACESSE

10.Lacerda LD, Mounier S, Ittekkot V. 2020. Biogeochemical responses of tropical ecosystems to environmental changes. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 8, 597744ACESSE

11.Santos, V.H.M., Dias , F.J.S., Torres, A.R., Soares, R.A., Terto, L.C., Castro, A.C.L., Santos, R.L. & Cutrim, M.V.J. 2020. Hydrodynamics and suspended particulate matter retention in macrotidal estuaries located in Amazonia-semiarid interface (Northeastern-Brazil). International Journal of Sediment Research 35, 417-429.ACESSE


1.Abril, G.; Libardoni, B.G.; Brandini, Ni.; Cotovicz, L.C.; Medeiros, P.R.P.; Cavalcante, G.H. & Knoppers, B.A. 2021. Thermodynamic uptake of atmospheric CO2 in the oligotrophic and semiarid São Francisco estuary (NE Brazil). Marine Chemistry 233, 103983. ACESSE

2.Santos, E.O.; Medeiros, P.R.P. & Santos, R.S. 2021. Qualidade da água e fluxo de fósforo e nitrogênio no Rio Paraíba do Meio (AL). Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 14, 1044-1057.ACESSE

3.Costa., N. B. & Medeiros, P.R.P. 2021. Variabilidade da precipitação no rio Paraíba do Meio (AL): Influência na vazão e cargas de fósforo dissolvido. Boletim de Geografia 39, p. 86-105.ACESSE

4.Nascimento, A.M.A.; Medeiros, P.R.P.; Santos, G.R. & Cavalcante, G.H. 2021. Análise espaço-temporal da pluma de dispersão de sedimentos dragados do porto de Maceió, Alagoas. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 14, 2087. ACESSE

5. Paula Filho, Fj.; Marins R.V.; Santos, D.V.; Pereira Junio, R.F.; Menezes, J.M.C.; Gastao, F.G.C.; Guzzi, A. & Teixeira, R.N.P. 2021. Assessment of heavy metals in sediments of the Parnaíba River Delta in the semi-arid coast of Brazil. Environmental Earth Sciences 80, p. 167ACESSE

6.Lacerda, L.D., Ward, R., Ferreira, A.C., Borges, R., Pinto, M.P. & Meireles, J. 2021. 20-years cumulative impact from shrimp farming on mangroves of Northeast Brazil. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 4: 653096.ACESSE

7. Cotovicz LC, Ribeiro, RP Régis CR, Bernardes M, Sobrinho R, Vidal LO, Tremmel D, Knoppers BA, Abril G. 2021. Greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 and CH4) and inorganic carbon behavior in an urban highly polluted tropical coastal lagoon (SE, Brazil). Environmental Science and Pollution Research ACESSE

8.Cotovicz LC, Knoppers BA, Régis CR, Tremmel D, Santos SC, Abril G. 2021. Eutrophication overcoming carbonate precipitation in a tropical hypersaline coastal Lagoon acting as a CO2 sink (Araruama Lagoon, SE, Brazil). Biogeochmistry ACESSE

9. Sial AN, Chen J., Korte C, Pandit MK, Spangenberg JE, Silva-Tamayo JC, Lacerda LD, Ferreira VP, Barbosa JA, Gaucher C, Pereira NS, Riedel PR. 2021. Hg isotopes and enhanced Hg concentration in the Meishan and Guryul Ravine successions: proxies for volcanism across the Permian-Triassic Boundary. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 9: 651224 ACESSE

10.Morgado F, Santos RMAL, Sampaio D, Lacerda LD, Soares AMVM, Vieira, HC, Abreu S. 2021. Chronological trends and mercury bioaccumulation in na aquatic semiarid ecosystem under a global climate change scenario in the Northeastern coast of Brazil. Animals 11, 2402.ACESSE

11.Campaneli LB, Rezende CE, Lacerda LD, Almeida MG, Molisani MM. 2021. Long-term trophic state responses of a large tropical coastal lagoon to land use changes and nutrient transport. Ecohydrology, e2343.ACESSE

12.Benigno, A.P.; Saraiva, A.A.S.; Sial, A.N. & Lacerda LD. 2021. Mercury chemostratigraphy as a proxy of volcanic-driven environmental changes in the Aptian-Albian transition, Araripe Basin, northeastern Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences Article Number: 103020. ACESSE

13.Moreira LB, Castro, IB, Fillmann G, Peres, TF, Belmino IKC, Sasaki ST, Taniguchi S, Bícego MC, Marins RV, Lacerda LD, Costa-Lotufo LV, Abessa DMS. 2021. Dredging impacts on the toxicity and development of sediment quality values in a semi-arid region (Ceará state, NE Brazil). Environmental Research 193, 110525ACESSE

14.Piovesan EK, Correia Filho, OJ, Melo, RM, Lacerda LD, Santos RO, Pinheiro AP, Costa FR, Sayão, JM & Kellner AWA. 2021. The Late Cretaceous of Northern James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula: An integrative approach combining foraminifera, lithofacies and geochemistry. Cretaceous ResearchACESSE


1. Ferreira, A.F., Borges, R. & Lacerda, L.D. 2022. Can sustainable development save mangroves? Sustainability 14: 1263. ACESSE

2. Ferreira, A.F. & Lacerda, L.D. 2022. Mangrove restoration in NE Brazil: a unified contribution to adapting to global climate change. Arquivos de Ciência do Mar 55 (v. esp.): 219-230.ACESSE

3. Lacerda, L.D., Ward, R., Ferreira, A.C & Borges R. 2022. Mangrove trace-metal biogeochemistry response to global climate change. Frontiers in Forest Ecology and Global Change 5, 817992. ACESSE

4.Lacerda LD, Ferreira AC, Ward R and Borges R. 2022. Editorial: Mangroves in the Anthropocene: From local change to global challenge. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 5, 993409. ACESSE

5. Rodriguez CAB, Lacerda LD, Bezerra MF. 2022. A review on the pan-oceanic distribution of mercury (Hg) in sea turtles. Endangered Species Research 49, 175–185. ACESSE

6.Moura VL, Lacerda LD. 2022. Mercury sources, emissions, distribution and bioavailability along an estuarine gradient under semiarid conditions in NE Brazil. International Journal of Pollution Research and Public Health 19, 17092 .ACESSE

7.Julio TG, Moura VL, Lacerda LD, Lessa RPT. 2022. Mercury concentrations in coastal Elasmobranchs (Hypanus guttatus and Rhizoprionodon porosus) and human exposure in Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 94 (Suppl. 4): e20220045 ACESSE

8.Pestana IA, Rezende CE, Almeida R, Lacerda LD, Bastos WR. 2022. Let’s talk about mercury contamination in the Amazon (again): the case of the floating gold miner’s village on the Madeira River. Extractive Industries & Society 2022.101122.ACESSE


1.Ferreira AC, Lacerda LD, Rodrigues JV, Bezerra LEA. 2023. New contributions to mangrove restoration/rehabilitation protocols and practices. Forest Ecology & Management Journal 31, 89-114. ACESSE

2.Goyanna F, Silva G, Bezerra MF, Lacerda LD. 2023. Mercury in oceanic upper trophic level sharks and bony fishes - A systematic review. Environmental Pollution 318, 120821ACESSE

3.Bezerra MF, Goyanna F, Lacerda, L.D. 2023. Risk assessment of human mercury exposure trough consumption of fishery products in Ceará State, Northeastern Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin 189, 114713.ACESSE

4.Rodriguez CAB, Lacerda LD, Bezerra, MF. 2023. Pilot study of mercury distribution in the carapace of four species of sea turtles from Northeastern Brazil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 110, 99 (2023).ACESSE

5.Ward RD, Lacerda LD, Cerqueira AC, Hugo, V, Hernandez, OC. 2023, Impacts of sea level rise on mangroves in northeast Brazil. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 2023, 108382.ACESSE

6. Lacerda LD, Godoy, JMO, Gonçalves, R.A., Rocha, M.F. & Dutra, B.F. 2023. Metais em sedimentos de talude da Bacia Potiguar em área de exploração de petróleo e gás natural offshore, NE Brasil. Química Nova 46 (6), 554-560.ACESSE

7.Rodriguez CAB, Lacerda LD, Bezerra, MF. 2023. Pilot study of mercury distribution in the carapace of four species of sea turtles from Northeastern Brazil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 110, 99 (2023).ACESSE

8.Fragoso C, Gatts PV, Di Beneditto AP, Martinelli LA, Lacerda LD, Rezende CE. 2023. Stable isotopes and Mercury as tools to depict aquatic food webs. Quimica Nova 47 (1)ACESSE

9.9. Verzele P, Rodriguez CAB, Bezerra MF, Lacerda LD. 2023. Regional differences in Hg contents in liver and muscle of Chelonia mydas from three foraging grounds in Northeast Brazil. Environmental Science & Pollution ResearchACESSE

10.Chielle RSA, Marins RV, Cavalcante MS, Cotovicz Jr LC. 2023. Seasonal and spatial variability of CO2 emissions in a large tropical mangrove-dominated delta. Limnology & OceanographyACESSE

11.Santos TTL, Marins RV, Alves LP. 2023, Review on metal contamination in equatorial estuaries in the Brazilian Northeast. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 11:1142649.ACESSE

12.Lacerda D, Pestana IA, Vergilio CS, Rezende CE. 2023. Global decrease in blood lead concentrations due to the removal of leaded gasoline. Chemosphere 324, 138207ACESSE

13.Serafim TSG, Almeida MG, Thouzeau G, Michaud E, Niggemann J, Dittmar T, Rezende CE. 2023. Land-use changes in Amazon and Atlantic rainforests modify organic matter and black carbon compositions transported from land to the coastal ocean. Science of the Total Environment 878, 162917.ACESSE

14. Sartori E, Vergilio CS, Gatts PV, Oliveira BV, Almeida MG, Thompson F, Rezende CE. 2023. Trace metal concentration along the Brazilian coast: An assessment of the influence of the Doce River plume. Marine Pollution Bulletin 188, 114640.ACESSE

15.F15. Lima VS, Rezende CE. 2023. Risco socioambiental às inundações na bacia do rio Macabu, Região Hidrográfica IX (Baixo Paraíba do Sul e Itabapoana), Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Geografares 3 (37) 184-218.ACESSE

16.Chielle, R.S.A., Marins, R.V., Dias, F.J.S., Borges, K.K. & Rezende, C.E. 2023. Contributions from the main river of the largest open sea delta in the Americas to the CO2 fluxes. Regional Studies in Marine Science 62, 102922.ACESSE


Santos, T.T.L., Mounier, J.L.S. & Marins, R.V. 2024. Trace metal partitioning in the Parnaiba Delta in dry season, equatorial coast of Brazil. Environmental Pollution 345, 123500.ACESSE

2.Chielle, R.S.A., Marins, R.V., Cavalcante, M.S. & Cotovicz Jr, L.C. 2024. Seasonal and spatial variability of CO2 emissions in a large tropical mangrove-dominated delta. Limnology & Oceanography 269, 241-267ACESSE

3. Azevedo, I.H., I., Benigno, A.P., Bantim, R.A.M., Saraiva, A.A.F. & Lacerda, L.D. 2024. Paleoenvironmental geochemical characterization of the Aptian-Albian transition in the Araripe Basin, Northeastern Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 137, 104856. ACESSE

4. Rodriguez, C.A.B., Bezerra, M.F., Ristau, N., Mendonça, D.M., Pires, T.T., Paulino, L.R.S. & Lacerda, LD. 2024. Biological and ecological traits rather than geography control mercury (Hg) in scutes of marine turtles (Caretta caretta, Chelonia mydas, Eretmochelys imbricata, and Lepidochelys olivacea) from the Southwest Atlantic. Marine Pollution Bulletin ACESSE

5. Lacerda, L.D., Almeida, R. & Bastos, W.R. 2024. A 35-years record (1987-2022) of Hg concentrations in two species of the most consumed fish by local population in the Upper Madeira River, Amazon. Toxics 12, 144.ACESSE

6.Bezerra, M.F., Rodiguez, C.A.B., Rezende, C.E. & Lacerda, L.D. 2024. Trophic ecology of sympatric sea turtle species in the Brazilian northeastern coast. Marine Environmental Research, 196 106406 ACESSE

7.Inguaggiato, S., Meng, Q., Mondal, E., Chen, Y.-X., Lacerda, L. D., eds. (2024). Reviews in geochemistry: 2022. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA.ACESSE

8. Gibson, H., Albright, R. & Lacerda L.D. 2024. Science for Global Goals. Ocean: Part 3 Ocean & Air. Smithsonian Education Center & Inter Academy Partnership (IAP), Washington, D.C. 269 p.ACESSE

9.Cotovicz, Jr L.C., Abril, G., Sanders, C.J., Tait, D.R., Maher, D.T., Sippo, J.Z., Holloway, C., Yau, Y.Y.Y & Santos, I.R. 2024. Methane oxidation minimizes emissions and offsets to carbon burial in mangroves. Nature Climate Change ACESSE

10.Rezende, C.E., Almeida, M.G., Pestana, I.A., Gomes, P.R., Bastos, W.R. & LACERDA L.D. 2024. Garimpo de ouro na Bacia do Rio Paraíba do Sul: até quando? JC Notícias, (SBPC) Edições / 7407, 16 de abril de 2024 / 28. 4p.ACESSE

11.Lacerda, L.D., Moura, V.L., Oliveira, R.W.S., Carmo. K.L.C.F., Nunes, J.L.S., Freitas, A.S. & Bezerra, M.F. 2024. Mercury (Hg) concentration in fish marketed in the São Luís Fish Market (MA) and potential exposure of consumers. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 96(1): e20230238ACESSE

12.Cabral, A.; Yau, Y.Y.; Reithmaier, G.M.S.; Cotovicz, L.C.; Barreira, J.; Boström, G.; Viana, B.; Fonseca, A.L. & Santos, I.R. 2024. Tidally driven porewater exchange and diel cycles control CO2 fluxes in mangroves on local and global scales. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 374, 121-135.ACESSE

13.Evers, D.C.; Ackerman, J.T.; Bally, D.; Rodriguez, C.A.B.; et al. 2024. Global mercury concentrations in biota: their use as a basis for a global biomonitoring framework. EcotoxicologyACESSE

14.Cavalcante, M.S., Marins, R.V. & Mounier, S. 2024. Non-conservative behavior of organic matter and its interaction with metals in an equatorial estuary, Brazil. Environ Sci Pollut Res. ACESSE

15.Mendonça, D.M.; Lacerda LD, Agostinho, K.F.F. & Diele-Viegas, L. 2024. Influence of lunar phases and oceanographic parameters on green turtle nesting in Rocas Atoll. Biologia May, 1-8ACESSE

16.Machado, D.V.; Marques, E.D.; Viglio, E.P.; Santos, E.A.M.; Amarante, R.T.; Silva Junior, G.C. & Silva-Filho, E.V. 2024. High-resolution mapping and multivariate technique (factor analysis) to support hydrogeochemical analysis and identification of surface water contamination. J. Geochem. Explor. ACESSE

17.Costa, M.C.O.; Zambonato ED.E.; Sousa, T.A. & Silva-Filho, E.V. 2024. Geochemical and sedimentary features of the unusual association between hybrid carbonates and beachrocks in the Southeastern Brazilian Coast. Marine Geology 467, 107186. ACESSE

18.Verzele, P., Rodriguez, C.A.B., Bezerra, M.F. & Lacerda, L.D. 2024. Regional differences in Hg contents in liver and muscle of Chelonia mydas from three foraging grounds in Northeast Brazil. Environmental Science & Pollution Research 31, 3917-3925 ACESSE

19.Lacerda, L.D., Cavalcante, I.B.K., Soares, A.A. & Marins, R.V. 2024. Mobility and bioavailability of Fe and Cu in mangroves from a semiarid coast in NE Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 96(2): e20231075ACESSE

20. Lacerda, L.D., Goyanna, F.A., Silva, G.B., Rezende, C.E., Bastos, W.R. & Bezerra, M.F. 2024. First record of mercury concentrations in albacore (Thunnus alalunga) from the Western Equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin 203, 116469. ACESSE

21.Lacerda L.D., Biazon, T.O. & Matias, J.F.O. 2024. Mercúrio e segurança alimentar. Revista Ciência Hoje (SBPC), Rio de Janeiro, Junho de 2024. 410, 2pp.ACESSE